Tradition and experience are the best friends in the business.

Let us introduce PROFIT CHEB s. r. o.

the biggest tax and accounting company
in the region.


Phone Cheb: 354 422 227
Phone Mariánské Lázně: 354 620 303

PROFIT CHEB s. r. o.

The Czech company PROFIT CHEB s. r. o. was established in 1993 as a consideration of tax consultant and auditor ing. Hana Neustupná – physical entity with more than twenty years of economical experiences - to be a part of a company of accounting and tax specialists, where she is not only to present clients but to future ones more useful in solving their needs than as a self-employed physical entity running her own business.

Sídlo Profit Cheb

How we think and work

The company headquarters are in Cheb with a branch office in Mariánské Lázně. The basic philosophy of the company is to provide a complex service with the possibility to explore the dilemma in terms of accounting and taxes.

We offer to our clients financial accounting and wage bookkeeping, tax consultant services and also tax representation. Services are offered mostly to entrepreneurial subjects (physical entities, limited companies) and also non-profit-making organisations.

Personal approach, the maximum quality of service, work effort and many successfully solved issues are helping to client’s stability and also supporting the company’s development.

We lay stress on vocational growth of our work team, responsibility and competence of each employee. Implicitly all acquired information is considered by the company as entirely confidential and including propriety of provided information.

The basic pillars of company's success are long life experiences and responsibility, reliability, team-work ability and flexibility. Without consequence PROFIT CHEB s. r. o. is qualified to provide to all it's clients a complex high quality service on account of two-sided convenient business relations.

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